Change of U.K. Government Mirrors the Saturn/Pluto Hard Square ...
How appropriate to the current Saturn/Pluto square is the outcome of the new U.K. Coalition Government formed yesterday (11th May)!! ... Conservative Prime Minister (Pluto/Capricorn) with a Liberal Democrat deputy (Saturn/libra).
Be interesting to see how the Uranus/Jupiter entrance onto the scene effects things in June and July, stretching and spicing up a presently passive T Square.
Could it mean bold new measures? Or could there be pressing issues of National importance which neither Cameron or Clegg have as yet envisaged needing urgent attention, causing them to re-think some of their agreed long-term proposals? The disruptive influence of Uranus never guarantees anything, except surprises.
Although Uranus is already technically forming part of the T square it isn’t pressing any advantages until it breaks free from Pisces. Especially with Saturn presently retrograde (it goes direct at the end of May).
Could be storms in tea cups at nought degrees Aries, but may still cause some reverberations with the often dramatic and display-loving Jupiter keeping company....
6th to the 8th June could call it, with the Moon entering Aries and instigating both Jupiter/Uranus, whilst Mars glides into the exacting sign of Virgo.....
We wish them well.
see our fuller article on Uranus in Aries and what it means to individual charts...
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