
Tuesday 23 July 2024



Sun/Leo attempts opposition with Pluto/Aquarius today as the powerful planet floats at nought degrees. The Moon prepares to vacate Aquarius and enters Pisces later, while Jupiter makes good aspect to the Sun. The stranger things of the recent days seem to take on a veneer of acceptability as the widening or dawning of better understanding in some quarters leads to a relaxing of restrictions and friendlier circumstances; at least while Venus/Leo acknowledges the broadminded Mars in Gemini approach. Make hey before Mercury enters the more exacting and critical vibe of Virgo by Saturday

Sunday 21 July 2024



Full Moon between Capricorn & Aquarius today (21st) which briefly conjuncts Pluto/Aquarius. Hardly time to breathe between full stops, deadlines and impasse of various kinds before more radical or unusual agreements are introduced. Mars enters Gemini today and offers an open-season on previously tight measures. The Sun enters Leo tomorrow (22nd) and the atmosphere then not so much heats as kindles embers long forgotten, stirred by greater sentiment courtesy of Venus and Mercury in Leo. Virgo waits to test the strength, endurance and integrity of matters by Thursday when entering Virgo and beginning preparation for retrograde in early August 

Tuesday 9 July 2024


Sun/Cancer trines Saturn/Pisces in retrograde until Friday as Mars/Taurus moves rapidly towards Uranus for next week: the cutting of ties comes as a shock in some places while deadlines, restrictions and boundaries recede into the distance and previous safeguards might never have existed. Moon entering Virgo by tomorrow demands a show of hands on the basis of facts rather than supposition. A time for ushering in the substitutes, stand-ins and hopefuls while attention is elsewhere.

Friday 21 June 2024


Welcoming the Summer Solstice - and the longest day of the year. Moon is full in Capricorn on 22nd opposing Mercury and Venus in Cancer as the Sun begins to grip Cancer. Some of the wider choices and options offered by the inner planets and Jupiter in Gemini recently meet full stops requiring firmer decisions, or more proof of intent.

Thursday 6 June 2024

Everything in Gemini - branch roads & about turns

Moon/Gemini conjunct Sun today (6th) is with Venus. While Mercury and Jupiter are also conjunct in Gemini.  The branch roads, about turns and diversifications may be overwhelming but the time for change and re-direct is now. The square made by Saturn/Pisces can render clarity difficult and obscure the long-term picture. But Mars/Aries moves intrepidly towards Taurus by Sunday and promises more stability or foundation next week. Neptune in late stages Pisces can not be ignored in its last stages of deepening some previous gulfs and voids of connectivity as all-or-nothing struggles reach pivotal stages.  Pluto resting in Aquarius is mindful of new boundaries and landing stages and awaits opportunities to firmer grip on unfinished business (personal and otherwise) and wasted opportunity, as it moves back to Capricorn for the last time by September. The limbo state for many is a chance - before the retrograding of Mars in November - to re-launch, re-think, and reinstate what may have been abandoned too early.   

Saturday 1 June 2024


Jupiter gripping Gemini now and trining Pluto/Aquarius. Highlighting divisions and blocking some communication facilities. Moon/Aries today begs new tactics or channels. Mercury enters Gemini on Monday to offer wider options as Pluto turns retrograde on Sunday (2nd) and releases many tensions and tight holds on situations.

Tuesday 28 May 2024


MoonAquarius opposes Sun/Gemini and Venus today (28th) as things take on a widened perspective.Tensions exist with untried experiences which urge a new or different approach. But the landscape is clearer from tomorrow. Not a time for the worriers or the overly stressed to move their chosen boundaries. Mercury/Taurus moving to Uranus by Friday decides who and what can sustain the process or stem the flow when needed, in most crucial situations.