
Thursday, 6 March 2025

Venus & Mercury Retrograde & Full Moon/Virgo

 Sheathed swords, key players in the wings, silent words in preparation. False flags. Regressive behaviour. Displays of vast immaturity or audacity.


Venus is retrograde in Aries now as Mercury slows in the sign  by the end of next week: The turns around or delays from the 14and Venusth March are strongly validated by the Full Moon Virgo, also on the 14th: scrupulous detail and scrutiny of fact - until the second week of April, when some plans and projects have to begin again. The last days of March see Mercury and Venus back into Pisces, where the uncertainty or lack of commitment can frustrate even the most patient of forward planners. Neptune leaving Pisces and in conjunction with Mercury at that time indicates sheer denial or rebuttal of prior promises. Neptune moves then to nought degrees Aries: hung juries, adjournments, inexplicable absences, lack of diligence and a flouting of previous agreement.  

Renewed efforts at connectivity and going back to the drawing board by mid April to overwrite aborted plans of March, courtesy of Mercury's ability to join the dots and the disconnections when in direct motion.

All this brings the much vaunted conjunction between Neptune and Saturn in Aries in June into stark relief …. The presence of strength at its most vulnerable. Historical precedents and front runners removed. Disappearance of safeguards or security measures. Replacement and replication without due notice. 

Merely the tip of the potential iceberg in terms of this impactful never before seen conjunction   

Sunday, 23 February 2025

MARS/CANCER ON THE MOVE AGAIN ... dispersing the sluggishness ....

Sighs of relief as Mars is direct again in Cancer today (23rd) after almost two months in retrograde motion …. engines rev, blockages start to clear, flows reverse, tides turn … and the emotional scouring and purging begin to show benefits.

It’s been a long haul since Mars first entered the sign last September for a lengthy transit,ade , one which embraced Leo in both direct and retrograde motion in November and December.  It will finally enter Leo once more in April - surpassing the limits and blocks which hit a no-go in the second week of December.  

The personal triumphs of Mars/Cancer and Mars/Leo and the progression of matters heartfelt and collective are set on a more predictable or smoother course.

Thursday, 20 February 2025


Moon moves from Scorpio today and briefly trines Neptune/Pisces: favouring the subtle and the stealthy .. or the silent observeations. Sun, Mercury and Saturn are also in PIsces: much to be said for going with the flow, and many are inclined that way; deeper currents getting active next week. And Moon/Aquarius on Tuesday-Wednesday reveal the surface disturbances. Moon/Pisces Thursday to Saturday reflecting and  harvesting any developments made these next two days.

Saturday, 15 February 2025

despondency, lethargy - Mars/Cancer retrograde ... Nil Desperandum.

There is much despondency now - not just the time of the year, but the fact that Mars is retrograde; the engine won’t engage, or it stalls, or runs out of fuel. Not just that - the planet is stationary, but in Cancer, the most sensitive of vibes. The slightest thing seems to be a deterrent, or a repellent, or a rebuff. Effort is endless, often pointless … but the end is in sight. 23rd of this month Mars begins to move in direct motion.  The engines kick in again, the juices flow - and momentum increases, the pace picks up.

Meantime Mercury in Pisces advises a more introverted period, a long soak in nostalgia or a time to reflect and rewind; creativity takes a new direction, or a different pattern, or an in-depth dive into waters unfamiliar. Looking back is inevitable - Mars/Cancer and Mercury/Pisces. Living is for experience and experience is to learn from.

Nil Desperandum

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Jupiter/Gemini Direct & Mars/Cancer Retrograde - expansion on preservation..

Jupiter is direct again in Gemini, after a pause from early October. Closing the gaps on layers of development which were almost completed then, but not quite. By the second week of June the planet will enter Cancer. At present Cancer hosts Mars, in retrograde until the 23rd - slow and daunting movement in personal as well as societal issues. Last stages Jupiter/Gemini now is the time to re-think, reassemble, take new perspective on matters first broached in September and October last. A contrary tour around the same territory but with vastly new views on what was then perceived or understood .. and possibly acted on prematurely in November and early December. 

Jupiter/Gemini is concerned with the enlargement or widening of data and fact. expansion on preservation. In Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, the length and breadth of issues is the fascination. In Gemini the fascination is with strength of detail. As Jupiter begins to grip Cancer in June the much vaunted conjunction of Saturn and Neptune also occurs in Aries - Venus already having transited Aries in May. Venus might soften or grace the way. but will too offer the right attitude towards the action and the challenges. Single-minded Aries and silently influential Venus.  Mind-set is everything. Long-games and deep memory tending to surface, often at variance with comfort and previous plans.In Gemini issues tend to blow in the wind. In Cancer they tend to return to base camp. 

Monday, 13 January 2025

FULL MOON IN CANCER - care, familiarity & relenting boundaries

Today’s Full Moon in Cancer (13th) opposes Sun Capricorn and argues with Jupiter preparing to go direct again in Gemini in three weeks. Accent for now is on domestic matters, in the wider and the nearer sense. Spotlight on nurture or care at many levels - divisions in opinion cause delays. While on other personal matters  bids towards greater familiarity prosper by sheer attention to detail. Relenting of previous boundaries must be organised and evenly balanced in order to avoid fracturing agreements already in place.

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

WELCOMING 2025 - and hoping for better. New Year Zodiac

Our Zodiac Overviews are live now @ ... front page via the glyphs. January to May.